Giga Cast

"It's not the innovation itself that's important, but the speed of innovation." Gigacast will be a significant reduction and speedup in automotive manufacturing equipment, processes, and labor. "Self-operated assembly lines" will appear that reduce the area and equipment required for production and reduce investment. Gigacast's technology is not only used in car body production, but also in battery development, eAxles, autonomous driving devices, advances in humanoid robots, alloy formulations, and supply chains.

DFM & Data I/O

Cast-Designer can read the input file of structure analysis, such as LS-DYNA3D and Pam-Crash. It has pioneered a transformative feature that automates the conversion of thick shell elements into solid elements of varying thicknesses. The disconnect mesh could be handle well in Cast-Designer.

Read in car crash data from LS-DYNA3D and convert to 3D elements

Gating System Design

Gating system design in Cast-Designer

  • Cast-Designer can create 3D addendum face in ParaCAD, the build-in parametric CAD system.
  • The Cast-Designer gating system can help user to design any complex 3D gating in a few click to have a high quality gating. In this case, several design plans could be evaluated in a short time at the early stage.
  • The SmartCooling system can design a high quality cooling channels to take account the thermal balance and metal flow, the operation is just a few clicks.

Mesh & Modeling

  • The powerful FastMesh engine can generate very complex mesh for the casting and mould, with small feature snap and high accurate for curvature geometry.
  • The FEM mesh engine can generate 300million FEM mesh elements in a 128GB RAM computer. The mixture mesh type could apply to the casting and mould to save model size.

Full mould mesh in Fastmesh

Thermal & Flow Simulation and Part & Mould Stress

Flow and temperature distribution

Casting distortion

Full mould stress analysis

Rich simulation result could be obtained from Cast-Designer for GigaCast, such as the flow pattern, temperature distribution, solid fraction of flow, velocity of metal, gas & shrinkage porosity, gas density in the casting part, surface quality and final part performance.

The Cast-Works solver can support big model in parallel computing technology. The same mesh system could be used for both thermal, flow & stress simulation.

The DCS (Distortion Compensation Solver) based on the iteration method can get the best 'original' casting part automatically, after 4 to 5 iterations, the user can get the best dimensions.

The stress and distortion of the mould sets also could be analyzed in Cast-Works, the system can support huge FEM model also.